Nominal power
270 kW
Expected production
310 MWh per year
Total modules
The purpose of the solar power plant is the production of electricity that would be used for the own needs of the building where the solar power plant is located, and the excess electricity produced is handed over to HEP-ODS in the power grid. The expected annual electricity production of the subject solar power plant is about 310 MWh. The rated power of the power plant that will be installed on the roof of the existing building is 270 kW. The power plant will be divided into 37 arrays of photovoltaic modules with a different number of modules per array. A total of 658 photovoltaic modules will be used.
GLAVNI PROJEKT: izradila je tvrtka Solarni projekti d.o.o., Osijek OIB: 47513146219
NADZOR: M.V.M. ZVON d.o.o., Kustošijanska ulica 109, 10 000 Zagreb prema narudžbenici 2023-589 od 28.03.2023.
IZVOĐAČ: DUPLICO d.o.o., Svetonedeljska cesta 18, Kalinovica – Sveta Nedjelja prema Ugovoru o izgradnji fotonaponskih sustava na krovovima zgrada Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačkog holdinga d.o.o. 331/2023 od 30.03.2023